The second and third week after birth are already over and with Apollo and Gaia everything is going great. Apollo is drinking and growing well and Gaia has embraced her role as a mother.
Developments week 2 & 3
A lot happens in the first weeks of Apollo's life. In addition to growing considerably in a short time, many developments also take place. Below you can read about the developments from the second and third week after birth that Apollo (and other kittens) go through:
When a kitten is 9 days old, its birth weight has already doubled. Apollo had already done so on day 8. He is the only kitten and has no competition of brothers and sisters. He and can drink all day long if Gaia allows it.
Apollo opened his eyes from about 10 days. In the beginning, we saw a small opening at the corners of Apollo's eyes and step by step, his eyes opened further and further until they were completely open. He cannot see yet. His sight still has to develop.
In the third week after birth, Apollo could already walk a bit. We can see him wobbly on his legs moving through the bench.
Once a kitten can walk, they also discover what playing and wrestling with brothers and/or sisters is. Apollo has no brothers or sisters, so we see him climbing over Gaia a lot and trying to play with her. Gaia usually allows this calmly, but now and then Gaia corrects him.
From week 3, the first baby teeth break through. With Apollo, we see that the first baby teeth at the bottom of the mouth have already come through.
The first attempt at playing with mom
Happy and protective mother cat
In our previous blog we talked about our quest to keep Gaia happy. Gaia was very restless the first week and despite being a fantastic mother to Apollo, she still had to get used to her new role. She has become a bit more relaxed now and has good contact with the other cats in the house as long as they ignore Apollo and don't come near him. Gaia enjoys the moments when we come to pet her and chat with her.
We weigh Apollo daily and try to schedule a very short photo session every week so that we can see and look back at how quickly Apollo changes and develops. Gaia continues to find these moments very tensive, as you can see in the photos. Gaia is always present at these moments and there is a lot of trust towards us. Still, Gaia thinks that Apollo should always stay in the nest and she can't wait until we are finished. We deliberately keep the moments as short as possible and always put Apollo back in the nest immediately.
Despite the fact that Gaia can't wait until Apollo is back in the nest. She often goes to us as soon as he is in the nest to cuddle with us. We always have to laugh a little about this because she doesn't necessarily want to be with him in the nest, but Apollo has to lie there.
And a few more pictures
Because we think Apollo is fantastically beautiful and cute, we would like to share some more pictures with you. Keep following us on Facebook and Instagram for more pictures and videos of Gaia and Apollo that we share between the blogs.